by thenoshdigital | Nov 6, 2023 | The Futurist Society
Many of us strive towards living long lives; but just as health risks grow as we age, we might say it’s quite a challenge. Dr. Eric Leire, a thought leader in the area of longevity and life extension, is aiding this goal. He is the CEO of Genflow Biosciences, a...
by thenoshdigital | Oct 30, 2023 | The Futurist Society
With the pace of technological advancement, who says space settlement is not a possibility? In fact, space exploration, even for recreational purposes, is already happening via space tourism. What does this mean in the near future? Bringing on the show an expert in...
by thenoshdigital | Oct 9, 2023 | The Futurist Society
Cognitive health is our shared responsibility – where culture, lifestyle, and innovation unite to shape a future free from the shadows of neurodegenerative diseases. In this episode, we have Dr. Tanisha Hill-Jarrett, neuropsychologist and a Global Atlantic Fellow for...
by thenoshdigital | Oct 2, 2023 | The Futurist Society
As technology continues to grow and evolve, it will continue to find its way into almost every single space, and education is no exception. In this episode, Doctor Awesome sits down with Katrina Stevens, CEO of The Tech Interactive, to talk about the future of science...
by thenoshdigital | Sep 25, 2023 | The Futurist Society
Health is more than just about the cure; at the heart of it is prevention. Having the right information in your hands could be the one thing that could prevent a health concern from growing before it is too late. With machine learning, we could pave the way for a...